Sunday 8 February 2015

The Chronicles of Organised Chaos


It was my birthday yesterday; as far as birthdays go, this one was mediocre. I missed my friends, I missed my family.

There are a few things that I have been meaning to get to on this blog, some big events that have transpired and a whole lot of little ones.
Baby steps. We'll start on a topic that I have no experience in and yet I will say my piece; if nothing else it will prove entertaining in a few years time- should I ever breed.


I attended a four year olds' birthday today, it was meant to be an outside pool party, there was a huge intimidating jumping castle (I've always been weary of those things), great kid snacks and also a whole lot of rain. Literally, a huge damper on the plans.
Due to the weather a whole lot of his little friends just didn't attend, which i thought was rather rude. Being an unattached big person at the event i had the opportunity to observe the other adults, i saw the tired eyes, the perfectly packed party packs on the welcoming table, a newly divorced mom who still smiled when every single person brought up her failed marriage (yes... it was meant to show concern, it just was not great timing).
I also saw a whole lot of mess, clothes, towels, and wet kids everywhere.
A mother carrying her 5 month old baby was gathering her other child's wake of destruction; she looked up at me and said "organised chaos" and continued gathering up clothing.

Organised Chaos. A perfect summary of the role that is parenting.


I miss you

Three words,
 that cannot begin to summarise
the workings of a mind.
dreams about your hands,
soft, gentle, caressing.
Your mouth, and mine.
The embrace of a thousand years,
or is it nine?
that belongs to you.
all this,
and all I can whisper is,

I miss you.